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Here Is How The Right Mindset Can Help Improve Your Health And Fitness


Positivity fosters resilience to face setbacks and makes one stay committed to health and fitness. (Image: Shutterstock)

Positivity fosters resilience to face setbacks and makes one stay committed to health and fitness. (Image: Shutterstock)

Remember that the journey may have its ups and downs, but with the right mindset, anything is possible.

When people begin their fitness journey, their focus is often directed towards external factors such as following a diet plan, going to the gym, and avoiding junk food. They may try to imitate what their friends share about their fitness journey or pick up trends from social media. However, one of the most crucial yet underestimated aspects that can lead to a transformation is often ignored: the mindset.

“One’s perspective and approach to fitness is the real game-changer,” says Miten Kakaiya, fitness and wellness coach at Miten Says Fitness. “Apart from having just a desire to be fit, one needs to change their mindset to improve their health and fitness. And it’s completely possible!” he adds.

Here is how one can change one’s mindset to see transformative results.

  • Willingness: the first step towards change!Often people begin their fitness journey as a pressure to look good! We call it desire. True willingness is a genuine desire to improve one’s health and fitness and ignites the process of change. “One can bring that willingness only when they start working on themselves and learn how fitness can transform their body and mind,” says Miten. Willingness opens the door to self-exploration and growth.
  • A positive mindsetOne true aspect of fitness is that it’s a journey and not the destination. A lot of us start being demotivated within 1-2 weeks of starting our fitness journey because one doesn’t expect fitness levels to change. Embracing positivity is important as it empowers individuals to see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than unaccomplished goals. Positivity fosters resilience to face setbacks and makes one stay committed to health and fitness.
  • Self-efficacy: Believe in yourself!One’s belief in oneself to achieve desired outcomes plays a pivotal role in shaping behaviour. When you have confidence in your capacity to make meaningful changes, you are more likely to take proactive steps towards better health and fitness. Self-efficacy can be built by setting realistic goals, celebrating small victories, and cultivating a sense of empowerment.
  • Body-mind connectionMost of us lose connection with ourselves when we constantly eat food while watching TV, keep earphones on 24X7, and find ways to distract our thoughts and feelings. The connection between our mind and body is extremely important to develop a deeper understanding of our relationship with food, exercise, and overall well-being. “Practicing mindfulness can help you be present at the moment, be attuned to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations,” says Miten.
  • A good coach to guide you!A knowledgeable and supportive coach can make a world of difference in one’s health and fitness journey. A good coach not only guides exercise techniques and nutrition but also serves as a source of motivation, accountability, and encouragement. “A fitness and wellness coach can help you navigate obstacles, refine your approach, and stay focused on long-term success,” says Miten.

Yes, one can change their mindset and improve their health and fitness. The fitness journey seeks not just external but internal changes, which when practised with discipline and commitment – is achievable.

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